Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 2016

Dear Andrea, Anna, Christine, Lynda, Martha, Melanie, and Sheila,

Bonjour mes collègues de la Région VI!

Hope that you all saw the most recent National Bulletin with lots of references to and photos of members of our Region VI.

As Minnesota President, Christine Lac pointed out to the Minnesota members, there is Caroline Little's picture and article right there on the front page.  Some of you may remember Caroline as the winner of the Ludwig Award for Excellence in Teaching at our convention in Saguenay.

Then inside the magazine, you probably saw a photo of the Future Leaders at the Austin Covention that included Erin Gibbons from the Chicago/N IL Chapter who is the director of that chapter's Concours Oral and Audra Merfeld-Langston who is the National French Contest Administrator for the Greater St Louis Chapter.  

A few pages later, there was a mention of the 2016 Exemplary Programs that included Glenbrook North High School, in Northbrook, IL and Lyons Township High School in LaGrange, IL.

A few pages later, you'll find Lisa Narug, National French Contest Director, from IL, Andrea Behn, President of the AATF of WI, Margot Steinhart and myself from the Chicago/N IL Chapter, and Justin Frieman, Former President of the AATF of WI in a group photo in Austin.

A few pages later, there's Brandi Pruente from Greater Kansas City who appears as the winner of the 2016 ISE Language Matters award.

Wish we had a photo of our evening get-together after the banquet.  Christine, Martha, Suzanne Hendrickson (GSL), Tammy Andrews (IA) and myself were there.  Did I miss someone?

The French Government has created a new program for young people who have studied in France to take advantage of networking opportunities on their return.  This could be a new promotional tool when recruiting high school students for the upper levels and for continuing to study French in college as well for French students already studying French in college.  This initiative might also be a way for teachers to identify local individuals who might be outside speakers in their classes, especially those who have participated in the TAPIF program.  It really deserves a look:  The Mid-West launch of this largely online presence will be Oct 6 at DePaul University's Theater School at 2350 N. Racine, Chicago, IL 60614 at 6:00 pm.

So far this year, I've received notice of several Fall events in our Region.

Saturday, Oct 1, Chicago/N IL members will gather for a morning program on the use of film in the classroom.

Coming up, on Friday, Oct 7, in Minnesota is an evening social event for members and recognition of their Teacher of the Year.

Here's the Greater Saint Louis Chapter season line-up of activities. You'll notice that they work closely with other French related organizations such as the Centre Francophone at Webster University and La Société Française de Saint Louis.

·       Fin septembre. Lionel Cuillé, directeur du Centre Francophone à Webster University, nous invite à un apéro/rencontre avec la nouvelle directrice de l'école française d'immersion à St Louis. Détails à suivre. Merci, Lionel !

·       Dimanche 30 octobre : Huis Clos de Jean-Paul Sartre présenté par André Nerman à Priory.  Détails à suivre.

·       « Atelier d’AUTOMNE : Innover avec le français. » Le samedi 12 novembre à Rolla (Havener Center, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO), 9h00 – 2h30. Le petit déjeuner et le déjeuner vous seront offerts. ATTENTION : Il faut que vous répondiez AVANT le 26 octobre. On vous enverra bientôt un formulaire à remplir pour l’inscription. L’atelier est gratuit pour les membres de l’AATF, et il coûte $10 pour les non-adhérents.

Fall workshop for all French teachers (K-12 and higher ed) at Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO. On the agenda: teaching with technology, Missouri's French heritage, Francophone music, blended learning, study abroad. Do you have something you would like to present? If so, please let me know ( Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration forms will be available soon. Please mark your calendars!

·       La SEMAINE DU FRANÇAIS : 4-10 novembre. C’est le moment de fêter notre belle langue, et d’en profiter pour recruter de nouveaux élèves.

·       Venez TIRER LES ROIS le samedi 7 janvier 2017 à La Bonne Bouchée de 9h00 à 11h00.

·       Nous sommes en train de travailler sur l’atelier de février. Prière de patienter. Détails à suivre.

·       Grand Concours. Prière de lire attentivement les messages que vous recevrez d’Audra Merfeld-Langston.

Have you noticed the new active Twitter feed on the AATF WEBSITE?  If so, you'll see frequent contributions there from Martha Behlow, Chicago/N IL Chapter President.

Have you been following AATF YouTube for videos that correspond to the themes that guide the AP curriculum?Here's one with several "Brain Breaks".  The first features Julie Ringuette teaching a "jazz" dance! Great way for students to hear authentic Québécois French.

Welcome to the NEW WEBSITE for the AATF of Downstate Illinois that includes a blog for sharing ideas.

Chicago/N IL:

Here are some recent posts on poetry activities on the blog that Lynda Lopez, president of the Downstate IL chapter, has created and that is included in the new website.

I'm looking forward to doing a session "French is in their Future"with Iowa Chapter President, Sheila Conrad, at the Oct 7-8 Iowa World Language Association conference in Coralville, IA. Sheila has contacted French professors at several post-secondary institutions in Iowa to gather information on opportunities and enrollment trends at their institutions.  We will be encouraging high school teachers to learn about and show their students the opportunities that lie ahead for French students at the college level as a way to increase enrollment in the upper levels in high school and to motivate high schoolers to continue studying French in college.  I'm looking forward to meeting the members at the AATF of IA Business Meeting.

Then in early November, I'll be at the WAFLT conference in Appleton, WI to do a similar session with two professors, one from a small liberal arts college and another at a university.  The long list of French teacher openings n Wisconsin that president, Andrea Behn, was circulating this Fall will, no doubt, be discussed.  Am looking forward to the AATF of WI Business Meeting and hope to win one of the bottles of wine at their traditional tombola!  Meeting French teachers at the AATF of WI booth is always interesting and enjoyable!  The chapter is also planning an AATF-WI Ideas Share session "as a time to get together, share ideas and resources, and support one another."

At the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages conference in Tinley Park later in October, there will be another opportunity to meet French teachers at the AATF booth.

The National AATF Office is always ready to send brochures and membership forms for free to any chapter that is having a display or session.


Teachers know that promotion is critical and yet they are so incredibly busy as soon as the school year starts.  Let's make sure that they know that the AATF has already created for them some very effective promotional tools.

The AATF initiated National French Week for them as a vehicle for visibility. The Société Honoraire de Français and Les Jeunes Amis du Français get the attention of administrators and parents because they are sponsored by a national professional association and give French a certain status among the disciplines and school organizations.  The National French Contest offers teachers the opportunity to publicize student achievement within their schools and in their communities.

It is very exciting knowing that you are out there supporting your colleagues in the challenging, fulfilling, and important work that they are doing to help their students not only learn to speak French  but to also explore and respect other cultures and become involved and informed global citizens. 

Bravo, mes chères collègues!

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