Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2014

Salut mes collègues!

Am hoping that National French Week is for you a wonderful memory!

Though retired since June, I jumped at the chance recently to go along as a chaperone on a field trip to the Art Institute to see the Impressionist paintings with 3rd year students at the two schools where I taught.  It was a great opportunity to be with students again and to see those wonderful works of art!

In fact, Wisconsin NFC administrator, Ramona Armour, will be hosting a meeting of local teachers in mid-December to collaborate with the French Cultural Service on a midwest-wide French Art Project. These teachers will  brainstorm to come up with ideas for developing materials for French teachers throughout the midwest to use at all levels of instruction to introduce their students to a selection of French artworks in all of the major midwest museums even if they do not live in proximity to one of the museums like their very own Milwaukee Museum of Art.

After traveling to Iowa in the beginning of October, as I reported to you earlier, I had then had the pleasure of visiting in November with the leaders and teachers of the Wisconsin Chapter at the WAFLT conference.  Focussing on membership, President SuAnn Schroeder, President-Elect Andrea Behn, and NFC Administrator Jennie Bolen did a session specifically for new teachers called "French Connections:  Our Network for Wisconsin Educators" described in the program as:

 "New French teacher?  Want to know the available resources for French educators in WI?  What is the difference between WAFLT, ACTFL, AATF, SWAAF?  Grow your professional network and ignite your French program with the Grand Concours, Concours Oral, and more!"  

One of the teachers attending the session took out her checkbook right there and wrote a check to become an AATF member!  

Award for a New Teacher 
For Teacher who has made significant contributions to the Chapter

The Business Meeting was well attended with updates on activities, awards, and the very popular tombola that included bottles of French wine!

Here's their new chapter t-shirt, modeled by President SuAnn.  Sorry about the fuzzy photography.

The winner of a Wisconsin chapter Small Grant of up-to-$200, Alexandra Smith, is using the money for expenses involved with creating a Happy Hour themed "AATF Soirée de Networking" for teachers near Milwaukee.

Flyers about the event were available at the new AATF of WI table top display that rolls up and fits into a sleek carrying case and that Past-President, Justin Frieman, reports is from a company called Smart Exhibits at www.smartexhibits.com.  Here's the model that Justin chose http://www.smartexhibits.com/shop/table-top-displays/ftgrp-curve-table-top-display.html

New Wisconsin Display

The only sad part of the proceedings was that SuAnn announced that she is taking the position of President-Elect for the Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers and so will be leaving her position as AATF President.  But, we are of course happy for her as she moves into a position where she will be making a very positive impact on the professional lives of teachers of all the world languages taught in Wisconsin and she will also be creating visibility for the study of French from a different vantage point as she interacts with language teachers, administrators, and officials at the state and national levels.

The transition in leadership for the AATF chapter will, very happily, be assured with Past-President, Justin Frieman and President-Elect Andrea Behn stepping up to share the position of President.  The WI chapter's election procedure includes three positions each for two years:  President-Elect 2 yr, President 2 yr, and Past-President 2 yr.   This meant that there was plenty of ready talent, commitment, and experience to call on in this unforeseen circumstance.   In fact, the Kansas City Chapter under Katie Madigan's leadership has decided to amend their constitution to include the office of President-Elect to facilitate the transition in leadership in their chapter.  It was at the national convention in New Orleans that Katie met SuAnn, Justin, and Andrea and they discussed that election system.

The Kansas City Chapter is also planning a meeting in January, 2015 where elementary and secondary teachers can suggest to the French Cultural Service the kinds of materials they would find useful based on a selection of the French artworks in the major midwest museums including their own Nelson Atkins Museum of Art.  Katie's personal connections with members of the museum personnel will be very helpful.  Ann Sunderland, past national AATF president is also helping to organize the event.

Nelson Adkins Museum of Art in Kansas City

During the same weekend as WAFLT in Appleton, Wisconsin, the Chicago/Northern IL Chapter had a National French Week celebration for its members at Dominique Tougne's "Chez Moi" with a cheese and wine tasting that was a hit with all who attended.

Dominique Tougne of "Chez Moi" with Phyllis Perkins and Laura Schmuck
2014 NFWeek wine & cheese tasting

Linda Egnatz
ACTFL 2013 Teacher of the Year
Chicago Chapter President, Martha Behlow, recently took advantage of a great networking opportunity by attending the Fall meeting of the leadership of the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.  She is interested in working with them on the implementation of the Seal of Biliteracy that 2013 ACTFL Teacher of the Year and President of ICTFL, Linda Egnatz has spearheaded for Illinois.  You may have seen Linda's photo on the cover of ACTFL's magazine not too long ago.

As we get closer to the end of the calendar year, there are two initiatives that will be timely.  One is membership.  While teachers live their professional year from August to June, the AATF membership year (due to financial requirements) is January to December.   So the best time for teachers to become members is now.  They will get the most benefits by signing up before January. Their students can pay a lower fee for the National French Contest, their outstanding students can be members of the National French Honor Society, and they themselves can apply for scholarships.

The other initiative is the National French Contest.  While this is an opportunity to recognize the hard work and achievement of students, it is also a powerful way to give French a higher profile in our schools.  Photos of our students receiving certificates and national, regional, and local prizes give the study of French in our schools a legitimacy that comes from an outside professional organization.   So please encourage your members to use this tool that only their national professional association, the AATF, can provide.

This is also a great time to think about doing a session in Saguenay this summer.  Our President, Sister Mary Helen, assured me recently that there will be bus service from Quebec City right to our convention site.  When I have the details, I'll let you know.  Each of you and your members has something that you do with your students that another teacher would love to hear about.  Please encourage members to team up with another teacher to present a session on all kinds of topics: how they use fairy tales or technology, present Impressionist artists or colonial Africa, celebrate Carnaval au Québec or Mardi Gras, manage a multi-level class or organize an exchange, create a French Club or a National French Honor Society.  Deadline for session proposals is December 15!

Mille fois merci de tout ce que vous faites pour soutenir les professeurs de français et notre profession!